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Simple and clear CRM for sales funnel management

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VoIP Integration with Pipedrive, Phonet Cloud Telephony in Pipedrive, Calls from Pipedrive
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Simple and clear CRM for sales funnel management

VoIP Integration with Pipedrive, Phonet Cloud Telephony in Pipedrive, Calls from Pipedrive
Pipedrive CRM with Telephony

Pipedrive is an easy-to-understand, feature-rich CRM made by sales professionals for sales professionals.

Combine Pipedrive with Phonet and your managers will work really efficiently,  surely handling every customer call!

Features of integration with telephony in CRM sections

  • The card pops up during a call
  • Listening to audio recordings
  • Call in 1 click from the Contact card
  • Directing the incoming call to the person in charge
  • Transfer of utm tags from calls
  • Creation of a new Deal from a call in 1 click
  • Call in 1 click from the Deal card
  • Attaching audio recordings of calls to the Deal card
  • Transfer of utm tags from calls
  • Creation of a new Lead from a call in 1 click
  • Call in 1 click from the Lead card
  • Transfer of utm tags from calls

Opportunities of combining with
Phonet ip-telephony

Calls Logs, Call History, Calls Audio records in Pipedrive

Call history and listening to audio recordings

Listen to phone conversations with clients right in Pipedrive Contact card or Deal card to find out information and check the quality of employee communication.

Pop up contact card in Pipedrive, Incoming call in Pipedrive

Pop up contact card

During incoming calls the manager will see a message on the computer screen with information about the client who is calling. When clicking the message you will open the Contact card in Pipedrive.

Managing Missed Calls in Pipedrive, Tasks on missed calls

Missed calls tasks

If the manager in charge have missed a call from the client, Phonet will immediately create a Call Task in Pipedrive to ensure call back.

Click to call from Pipedrive

Click to call

To call a client just click on its phone number in the Contact, Lead or Deal card in Pipedrive. It's fast and convenient.

Call Management in Pipedrive

Transfer of incoming call to a manager in charge

For fast connection incoming client calls can be immediately routed to their assigned managers, bypassing secretaries and other staff.

Utm tags in Pipedrive, Marketing tools for Pipedrive

UTM tags with information on the advertising source

See exactly from which advertisement (words, banner, link) you received a call from the client in order to improve advertisement efficiency. Phonet Call-Tracking and CallCatcher will help you with this.


Setup process takes from 5 to 10 minutes and can be done with a few clicks in Phonet Personal Account by indicating emails of the employees and API key in Pipedrive, and can easily be done on your own by following the instructions. In case of any difficulties, please contact Phonet Support Service.

We would rate this integration 5 out of 5 for its features and usability. But there is no limit to perfection, you can always send your wishes and propositions to our email.